Thursday, March 1, 2012

Chili with Cary Grant

I had a weird dream last night, it went something like this.................
.....................I was in the middle of making a pot of chili for a fellowship meeting
that my husband and I are going to host.  I remember a friend saying that there could be
many coming.  I looked at the chili and I was worried it wouldn't be enough, so I added
spaghetti noodles.(I'm thinking this came in the dream because I made spaghetti for dinner
yesterday)thinking this would make the chili thicker or something.   I would never add noodles to chili...I don't think :)  

     I heard a knock at the door, I ran over to answer it and guess who was at the door?   Cary Grant!! 
I think Cary Grant is great although he's dead, but that's besides the point...Cary Grant was sitting at my table and I was trying to sneak a picture of him with my phone without him seeing me so I could show everyone later.  :)

     I'm looking forward to our first fellowship meeting this coming Tuesday I'll let you know if
Cary Grant shows up!


  1. That's funny, Amy! : ) Growing up, my mom ALWAYS put spaghetti in our chili! That was how I thougth chili was, until I got older. ...Love your blog, btw! Keep it up! : )

  2. Laughing out loud, over here. And it is almost midnight. STOP IT! ;-)

    Cary Grant...and you trying to sneak a picture...I am laughing so hard!
